Julie Marker
Cancer Voices South Australia, SA, Australia
- This delegate is presenting an abstract at this event.

Julie is a colon cancer survivor, diagnosed initially in 2001 at 45 years of age, then again with liver secondaries in 2005 and 2006.
Julie is the Deputy Chair of Cancer Voices South Australia (SA) - an independent, 100% volunteer survivor and carer led organisation. Cancer Voices focus is on system level advocacy …’good systems not just good luck!’, and on wellness not just illness. We use our collective lived experiences to inform better cancer related policy, practice, services, research and education.
Julie is an active consumer representative on a number of state and national projects and advisory groups including the Psycho-Oncology Trials Group (PoCoG), Australasian GastroIntestinal Trials Group (AGITG) and PC4 Primary Care Collaborative Cancer Clinical Trials Group.
Julie works hard to represent, respect and respond to the diversity of views of 'people affected by cancer', as well as assisting others to participate and use their own cancer experiences in a variety of ways. Amongst other things, Julie coordinates Cancer Voices 'survivors as teachers' series of 15 tutorials/year with medical students (ongoing since 2012), and helps lead Cancer Voices weekly survivor-led cycling group, walking group and 'Walk/n/Talk with cancer researchers' group.
Presentations this author is a contributor to:
Student Perceptions of a Consumer Led Discussion Group Format to Improve Awareness of the Patient Perspective (#201)
3:00 PM
Josephine S Thomas
Posters - Education