Melinda Williams
Barwon Health, VIC, Australia

Melinda is a registered nurse with postgraduate qualifications in oncology and psychology. Currently she works with the Barwon South Western Regional Integrated Cancer Service Team (BSWRICS) as the Supportive Care Project Manager, based at Barwon Health. This role encompasses leading the implementation of Victoria's Supportive Care Policy (Department of Health) across the Barwon South Western Region. She has a special interest in the supportive care needs of cancer patients particularly in the area of psychological care. In her role as the Supportive Care Project Manager she has served on a number of statewide advisory committees and coauthored an article on cancer coordination in the Australian Journal of Cancer Nursing. In 2009 she was awarded a Victorian Cancer Agency research grant to pilot a supportive care screening tool at Barwon Health. Melinda is currently completing a Masters of Research with Deakin University, Department of Psychology. Her topic of research is the ‘Validation of the Distress Thermometer and Problem List for an Australian population’.
Presentations this author is a contributor to:
Efficacy and Cost-Effectiveness of a Telephone Outcall Program to Reduce Carer Burden and Depression Among Carers of Cancer Patients [PROTECT]. Rationale and Design of a Multi-State, Multi-Centre Randomised Controlled Trial (#338)
3:00 PM
Trish Livingston
Posters - Trials in progress