Dan McKavanagh
Queensland Health, QLD, Australia
- This delegate is presenting an abstract at this event.

Dan is the Senior Consultant pharmacist - cancer & digital solutions, based at Princess Alexandra Hospital in Brisbane, and is an Adjunct Fellow in the UQ School of Pharmacy. Dan has worked for the past 14 years in cancer services and health informatics, providing plenty of opportunity to explore and gain experience in effective use of clinical systems and how to use the data stored in such systems. Dan also provides education to undergraduate and post-graduate pharmacists and doctors in the areas of cancer medicine and palliative care. Dan is currently the deputy-chair of the COSA Cancer Pharmacists Group.
Presentations this author is a contributor to:
Chemotherapy-Induced Nausea and Vomiting: A Review to Inform Clinical Practice. (#35)
4:30 PM
Wolfgang Marx
Advances in nutrition and cancer
Is the chemo ready yet?! Gaining efficiency in parenteral cancer chemotherapy supply at a large tertiary level hospital (#223)
3:00 PM
Daniel McKavanagh
Posters - Health services