Dorothy Keefe
Cancer Australia, NSW, Australia
- This delegate is presenting an abstract at this event.

Professor Keefe is the CEO of Cancer Australia, Australia’s national cancer agency. She is a medical oncologist with a long-term research interest in Supportive Care in Cancer. She has led cancer services at hospital, regional and state levels, and is passionate about health reform and patient-centred care. She has a Master’s degree in Medical Leadership and a strong interest in advocacy, career development and mentoring.
Presentations this author is a contributor to:
The Effect of the New Selective GLP-2 Agonist, Elsiglutide, On Irinotecan-Induced Diarrhoea and Mucositis in the Rat. (#20)
11:45 AM
Bronwen Mayo
Best of the Best Orals: Basic and Translational
Chemotherapy Induced Nausea and Vomiting (CINV) in the Αsia-Pacific (ΑΡ) Region – The Australian Perspective from the Ρan-Australasian Chemotherapy Induced Emesis Study (PrACTICE) (#104)
4:30 PM
Dorothy Keefe
Best of the Best Orals: Supportive care