Matthew Foote
Princess Alexandra Hospital, QLD, Australia

Dr Matthew Foote is a consultant radiation oncologist at The Princess Alexandra Hospital, Brisbane. After a fellowship in neuro-oncology and stereotactic radiotherapy in Canada, he now sub-specialises in neuro-oncology, melanoma and head and neck cancer. He is actively involved in clinical trials, translational research interests in advanced skin cancer and has an affiliate position at the Diamantina Institute, University of Queensland. He also has an interest in developing and implementing evolving technologies into routine practice for radiation oncology. He is an active member of TROG, ANZHNS, COGNO and ANZMTG.
Presentations this author is a contributor to:
ANZMTG 02.12: A Phase III Trial of Imiquimod Topical Treatment Versus Radiotherapy (#337)
3:00 PM
Pascale Guitera
Posters - Trials in progress