Rebecca Wong
Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, ONT, Canada
- This delegate is presenting an abstract at this event.

Dr. Rebecca K.S. Wong is a radiation oncologist at Princess Margaret Cancer Center, University Health Network and Professor, Department of Radiation Oncology University of Toronto. After graduating from Sheffield University (UK), she completed her radiation oncology training at the Kingston Cancer Center, Queen’s University and obtained her MSc in clinical epidemiology at McMaster University (Canada).
Her clinical interests are in gastrointestinal malignancies and palliative radiotherapy. Her research methods expertise are in the areas of clinical trials, systematic reviews and guidelines development. She is the co-chair of the Esophagogastric Disease Oriented Group and the Chair of the Symptom Control Committee at Canadian Cancer Trials Group. She is also a member of the US Intergroup Gastroesophageal Task Force. She is Director of the Clinical Trials Program, Radiation Medicine Program, Princess Margaret Cancer Center and Acting Vice Chair for Education, Department of Radiation Oncology, University of Toronto. She has authored over 100 peer reviewed publications, and 8 book chapters.
Presentations this author is a contributor to:
The Role of Definitive Chemoradiotherapy – How to Avoid the Knife (#55)
9:20 AM
Rebecca Wong
Plenary: The changing face of oesophageal cancer: Moving towards individualised care
Opportunities with Stereotactic Radiotherapy in Upper GI Cancers (#60)
11:40 AM
Rebecca Wong
Recent advances in the management of upper gastro-intestinal cancer treatment