Jon Shenfine
Royal Adelaide Hospital, SA, Australia
- This delegate is presenting an abstract at this event.

Jon Shenfine MB BS, Cert Med Ed, FRCS (Eng.), FRCS (Gen Surg), PhD
Honorary Clinical Senior Lecturer, University of Newcastle upon Tyne
Honorary Clinical Tutor, Edinburgh University
Consultant in General & Oesophago-Gastric Surgery, Royal Adelaide Hospital
Jon trained in the North East of England, at the largest surgical oesophago-gastric cancer centre in Europe. This was under Professor Griffin, one of the doyens of oesophageal surgery. He also spent time in Melbourne, Brisbane and Japan learning a variety of different surgical approaches. He has performed research amounting to a PhD: running a UK NHS funded multi-centre trial of palliative therapies in patients with oesophageal cancer. He speaks internationally on these topics and helped to set up the ‘Oesophagoose’ Oesophageal Cancer Awareness campaign in the UK.
Presentations this author is a contributor to:
At what age is multimodal therapy and surgery no longer affordable? (#57)
10:00 AM
Jon Shenfine
Plenary: The changing face of oesophageal cancer: Moving towards individualised care