Nutrition in the older cancer patient - practical tips for screening, assessment and intervention — ASN Events

Nutrition in the older cancer patient - practical tips for screening, assessment and intervention (#7)

Elizabeth Isenring 1
  1. Queensland Health, St Lucia, QLD, Australia

TBC Nutritional concerns, such as malnutrition, are common in patients with cancer. The oncogeriatric patient is at even greater nutritional risk due to a combination of age-, multimorbidity- and treatment-related aetiologies. National evidence-based guidelines1 recommend implementation of routine malnutrition screening with a validated tool (e.g. Malnutrition Screening Tool) to identify at risk patients. Early identification of older patients at nutritional risk can facilitate early access to nutrition intervention including referral to dietitians with expertise in comprehensive nutritional assessment, intervention and monitoring. There is moderate to high evidence1 that appropriate interventions can lead to improvements in dietary intake, nutritional status, physical function and quality of life in the older person with cancer. The multidisciplinary team can play a proactive role in addressing the nutritional needs of this group as part of comprehensive and routine cancer care.