Healthcare Needs of the Senior Adult Who Lives in Urban versus Rural Communities — ASN Events

Healthcare Needs of the Senior Adult Who Lives in Urban versus Rural Communities (#29)

Janine Overcash 1
  1. The Ohio State University, James Cancer Hospital, Columbus, OHIO, United States

Cancer care is often offered in an outpatient setting. Unless there are complications or special circumstances exist that require hospitalization, must people return home and recover very well from chemotherapy or other cancer treatments. In urban or suburban areas, finding care at a local cancer facility relatively close to home may not be a challenge. However, for many seniors who live in rural or remote areas, cancer care can be very difficult to attain. Issues of transportation and resources to access cancer care are pivotal barriers to cancer treatment. This presentation will detail some of the literature associated with healthcare settings and types of additional resources that can be offered. Electronic support via web access, phone call follow-up and networking with local facilities and primary care providers may be measures appropriate for some seniors to provide synergistic oncology care.