Putting supportive care on the map: The development of a supportive care multidisciplinary team meeting for cancer patients in the ambulatory setting — ASN Events

Putting supportive care on the map: The development of a supportive care multidisciplinary team meeting for cancer patients in the ambulatory setting (#300)

Wendy Wild 1 , Vicki McLeod 2 , Lisa Brady 1 , Ellen Heywood 2 , Linda Marshall 2
  1. Southern Melbourne Integrated Cancer Service, East Bentleigh, VIC, Australia
  2. Monash Health, Clayton, Victoria, Australia

Multidisciplinary team meeting discussions are recognised as best practice in the development of recommendations for treatment. At Monash Health it was recognised that the input of a range of health professionals was also required for the planning of care for cancer patients who had complex supportive care needs identifed through screening.