A Single Institution's Experience in Rectal Cancer — ASN Events

A Single Institution's Experience in Rectal Cancer (#301)

Bibek Acharya 1
  1. National Academy of Medical Sciences, Kathmandu, Nepal

Introduction: Colorectal cancer is a major health related burden worldwide. Although it is considered a disease of old age, this disease, mainly the rectal cancer presentation in young age is quite common our hospital. The main aim of this study was to find out the demographic pattern of the patients of rectal cancer which will help to plan prevention, treatment and palliation of rectal cancer in Nepal.

Methods: Total number of patients of rectal cancer, along with their age and gender, registered in a period of ten years from 1999 to 2008, were retrieved from the record section. Out of them 245 case record files were selected at random. Demographic information, presenting complaints, disease status, radiological findings and treatments provided, follow up, and further management of each patient were recorded in a format and analyzed.

Results: All together 21,025 cancer patients were registered in the period of 10 years. Out of which 2,330 (11.06%) cases were of gastrointestinal tract cancers and 388 (1.85%) cases were of rectal cancer.Among rectal cancer patients,203 cases were male and 185 female. The median age was 46.5 years. About 2.58% patients were diagnosed under age 20; 23.97% between 20 and 34; 18.56% between 35 and 44; about 17.01% between 45 and 54; 20.10% between 55 and 64; 13.66% between 65 and 74; 3.35% between 75 and 84; 0.77% in 85 + years of age. About 94.7% of the cases were of adenocarcinoma histology. About 17.92% of patients had metastatic disease when they first came to hospital. 

Conclusion: The incidenceof rectal cancerin Nepal is low in comparison to developed westernized countries. The prevalence of the disease at a very young age group is alarming. Any patient with the history of rectal bleeding should be evaluated thoroughly and treated. There is a great need to study the possible causes of the disease in young-age group.